Last weekend my friend came over to have brunch, meaningful conversation, and a cocktail recipe brainstorming session. We had so much fun catching up and eating and talking and making up new recipes and talking and talking and talking... I made a tasty little frittata and some other little things to snack on and my friend brought over some AMAZING pastries from Tulie Bakery. I wish I had the time to do things like this every day.
After we ate, we decided to test out some cocktail recipes we have been craving... We came up with three, so I'll be sharing those over the next couple of weeks. We tried to center them around vegetables, fruits, and herbs that I have been growing in the garden.
The first one (and my favorite) was a cucumber gin cocktail.
Rosemary Cucumber Gin Fizz
serves two
You're gonna need...
1/2 cup of cucumber, peeled and chopped. Plus a few extra slices for garnish.
2 ounces of rosemary simple syrup (recipe below)
Juice of half a lime
2 ounces of gin
Splash of tonic or club soda (or try this!)
2 sprigs of rosemary for garnish
Muddle the cucumber in the bottom of a cocktail shaker until it turns into a gloopy wet mess of cucumber goodness. Add lime juice, gin, and rosemary simple syrup. Throw in some ice and shake for a couple minutes. Using a cocktail strainer, pour into a glass and add a splash of soda. Finish with cucumber slices and sprigs of rosemary.
Rosemary Simple Syrup
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of water
10 or so sprigs of rosemary
Mix water and sugar in a pan over medium to low heat until sugar is dissolved. Add rosemary and let it steep in the sugar and water for about 30 minutes.