It's Christmas Eve! I've spent the day handing out gifts to neighbors and friends and hanging out with River. He's rolling all over the place, so he is keeping me busy. Christmas Eve is such a special day. So much anticipation and excitement in everyone. They say it's even supposed to snow tomorrow. The weather forecast has been a hard one to trust lately, but I'll go along with it. I haven't had a white Christmas in awhile and I can't think of anything more special for River's first Christmas. Tonight we are having dinner with friends to celebrate Christmas Eve and then going to look at Christmas lights before reading The Night Before Christmas to River and heading off to dreamland to see dancing sugar plums.
1, 2, and 3. Homemade truffles for the neighbors and friends
4. A special ornament
5. Christmas through River's eyes
6. River's first Christmas present
7. Finally got out for some skiing